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Cisco Develops New Data-Sharing Platform to Enrich Smart Cities

Smart cities are already on the horizon such as Songdo IBD, the technology has been developed however there has not been a way of unifying these communications… until now.

Cisco has created a new cloud service for smart cities that hopes to provide municipal leaders with the access to real-time aggregated data across city operations.

Named the ‘Cisco Smart+Connected Digital Platform’ was announced at the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) in Barcelona and will be used to securely gather data from third-party sensors, street cameras, devices and other connected systems and objects. Improving the connectivity of government departments.

The aggregating data is believed to provide city departments and agencies with securely shared data to improve connectivity so leaders can make fully informed decisions. In return, Cisco expects the platform will improve operational efficiencies, increase revenue and help to drive down costs.

Data from multiple departments in a city will be available all in one place including street lighting, parking, traffic flow, environmental sensing, waste management, safety and security and other city operations. Cisco wants to make it easier for smart cities to connect to new things so that information can be collected, analysed and shared.

An example of how the platform can benefit smart cities includes using the real-time data to reduce traffic congestion and city pollution output. Traffic agency staff could use access to street cameras, as well as environmental sensor data from a separate department to make better, more informed decisions. These city agencies also have the choice to make data available to the public, businesses, and visitors within the area.

Munish Khetrapal, managing director of Cisco’s smart cities spoke to IoT Hub about its development: “As a company, we’re a big believer that technology can make a lot of change in the urbanisation space,” Khetrapal said.

“Over the last three to four years, what’s been happening is that there have been a lot of devices being connected, and also there has been a lot of data being generated.

“The value of data has already been proven in cities, but we’re now seeing amplified value in real-time data.”

Many municipal cities around the world have already seen benefits of Cisco’s digital platform including Kansas City, United States, Jaipur and Bangalore, India, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Paris, France. This development is evidence that we are moving towards a more connected society which will give more cities the green light to boldly pursue a digital future.

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Linton Ward
Linton Ward

Managing Director, Public Sector